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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

As a Foundation School, the Governing Body is its own Admissions Authority. 

It is determined that the school will continue to admit children at a single point of entry in the September in the year in which they are five years old. This is in line with Milton Keynes Authority policy with whom Portfields will endeavour to work in partnership. 
The school does not operate a selection process and places are available in line with our Equal Opportunities and social inclusion policies and irrespective of where they live. 

The official limit for admission to the school in EYFS is 100 pupils. 

Any parent, wherever the family lives, wishing for a place for their child at Portfields School must complete the Local Authority’s application form. Decisions on admissions for a school year are usually finalised in April when parents will be informed and offered a place by the Council on behalf of Governors. 

For children who move into the area during the school year, parents must apply directly to the school. Please email or call the school on 01908 616060. If it is not possible to offer a place then parents will be advised of their right of appeal.

In offering places the following criteria will be applied: Children with Eductaion Health Care Plans (EHCPs) will be given priority for admission during the normal admission round for children starting school for the first time. 

Where there are more applications than places, places will be allocated as follows: 
1. Looked after children (LAC), previously looked after children (PLAC) and internationally adopted previously looked after children (IAPLAC)
2. Pupils living in the defined area, which is the Poets Estate, odd house numbers on Wolverton Road to Lakes Lane one way and to the M1 motorway bridge to the other way, with siblings attending the school at time of admission.
3. Pupils living in the defined area.
4. Pupils living outside the defined area with siblings attending the school at time of admission. 
5. Pupils who live outside the defined area 

A sibling is a brother or sister, which for admission purposes means brothers and sisters of whole or half blood or any other child (including an adopted child) who permanently resides at the same address and for whom the parent also has parental responsibility. 

Multiple births 
In cases where there is one remaining place available and the next child on the waiting list is one of a twin, triplet or other multiple birth groups, the following will apply: 

  • For admission to Key Stage 1, when class sizes are limited to 30, only one child may be admitted. Parents will be advised that they can decide which child can be offered the place or they may seek an alternative school able to admit both (or all) of the children. 
  • For admission to classes other than Key Stage 1, both twins would be admitted (or all siblings in the case of multiple births) even if this goes above the admission number for the school.

In the event of oversubscription where there are more applications than places, places will be allocated as follows: Distance will be measured in a straight line using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system with those living closest to the school receiving the highest priority. If it is not possible to offer a place, then parents will be advised of their right of appeal.

Appeal Process

If you have been unsuccessful in securing a place at Portfields Primary School, please find further information below.

If you are making your first application to school for your child please contact Milton Keynes Council.