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Communication Pathways
Ensuring good two-way communication between our families and school is paramount to securing and developing our relationships, supporting our children and engaging our families into the whole life at school.
Below are different communication pathways that you can use at Portfields. This list is not exhaustive, but can be a guide to support the best pathway:
For admin
( 01908 616060, face to face in school office)
- to inform a change of adult to collect child, query over school trip or event, requesting a call back from class teacher or SENCo, to join an event/activity, to update child's information
For child's absence
- inform on ParentMail or leave a message on the absence line
- for leave, please complete the leave of absence form
For class teacher
- face to face quick query/question with class teacher during pick up
- phone call to arrange a meeting over the phone or face to face
- email Head of Year on support email e.g.
- face to face parent information evenings
- EYFS families can use Tapestry
- email or call 01908 616060
For Headteacher
- email or call 01908 616060
Our expectation is that all emails / telephone calls will be responded to within 3 working days.